In light of current Covid-19 regulations, we are currently delivering directly to your front door.
Under normal circumstances, we will deliver directly to your front door! Have stairs? No problem! We won't leave until everything is set up and in place.
Delivery, Set up and Service are included for free on any new contract.
Cash sales will be charged
- 0-10 Miles $20.00
- 11-30 Miles $40.00
- 31-50 $100.00
- Over 50 miles call the store for pricing
Pick Up Orders:
Only paid in full items may be picked up Monday through Saturday
All items under contract must be delivered (there is no additional charge)
A sale may be conceled before delivery.
Once the item/s have been signed for and delivered there is a 3 month minimum rental period before items can be returend.
Customer must pay at least 3 months
No refunds